How to pair your DevOps and continuous performance testing strategies

Best practices to pair your DevOps and performance testing strategies

Featuring Lee Barnes of Utopia Solutions

Performance testing isn’t usually the first thing enterprises consider when adopting DevOps. Many feel that a traditional testing approach doesn’t work well with the fast and nimble world of DevOps. While DevOps processes help to ensure a consistent delivery pipeline, shrewd technology leaders should consider how their testing strategy fits into the mix, as the value of features delivered can grind to a halt if plagued by outages or poor performance. 

How should you implement continuous performance testing into your DevOps pipeline?

In this video presentation, Lee Barnes, CTO and Founder of Utopia Solutions, talks about practical ways to move to a DevOps framework without neglecting your testing strategy. Throughout the hour-long session, Lee walks you through the process of implementing continuous performance testing in a DevOps pipeline — without sacrificing quality.

What you’ll learn:

  • Often-overlooked roadblocks to avoid, as well as simple tips to roll out a well-oiled DevOps practice
  • A detailed breakdown of performance testing activities at each stage of the pipeline, starting with unit-level through to production testing 
  • A practical approach to implementing DevOps in the test environment, data management, and more

Check out a brief preview below:

About the speaker

For the past 25 years, Lee has worked with organizations to implement improved software quality and testing strategies. He’s implemented test automation and performance testing solutions in hundreds of environments across a wide array of industries. Most recently, he’s been worked with enterprise organizations to bring quality practices (with a focus on automation and performance) to DevOps teams.

Lee regularly speaks at industry conferences including DevOpsDays, Agile+DevOps, STPCon, and StarEAST.


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Oksana Mikhalchuk

by Oksana Mikhalchuk

Oksana Mikhalchuk is the digital marketing manager at Forte Group. She is passionate about creating content and is fascinated with technology and the untapped potential it carries for business digital transformation.

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